Wednesday, June 11

The workplace is the best place for free office supplies

Are YOU the Office Klepto??19% of people admit to stealing office supplies from work... and of those people, 74% of them know it's wrong.

Please. 100% of them know it's wrong, those 26% are liars. It just that... well, it just happens. We take pens in passing, we walk away with pens.... Whatever. So, people take office supplies because they need stuff at home? Well, taking it from work just saved the company lost time spent going to Staples and waiting in line for a box of paperclips. Am I right, or what?

  • 66% ... said they take pens, pencils, post-it's. Blah.
  • 8% ... say they take big ticket items like cell phones & laptops.

OK, those are probably the same people who take towels from hotels.

So, I'm giving out Office Supply Theft Amnesty today. Confess here. I wanna know what you guys take from your workplace.

For my part, I don't think I've ever really taken stuff from work... maybe a ream of paper or some pens, but only to just end up doing work at home, so that kinda stuff doesn't count.

I will give a PST Tee-shirt to the next person that can prove they stole something from their office (like a massive desk or piece of machinery.)

I may or may not have stolen the tee-shirt from work.

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