Dance pro Kym Johnson was wearing an open white button-down shirt over black... underwear, I guess ...
... and the sight of a flexible hot woman slinking around in her black undies sorta scandalized me, and I'm not sure why!

Why is that? Why does the sight of of full frontal underwear scream, "Almost naked!", even when most swimwear covers much much less (if it even covers at all!). Then add to that the simulated-slash-choreographed display of makin' love... (doesn't everyone get intimate in the style of a Rumba?)... and Kym's freakishly impressive double-jointedness... Yeah, I felt a bit uncomfy!!
Naturally, Tom Bergeron put it best: "They got it here after we exhausted our wardrobe budget."
My husband & I had this same chat a few weeks ago, I think its because we all know underwear is meant to be UNDER and not seen as where a Bikini is meant to be seen...(did that make any sense? lol