Wednesday, March 31

How many pairs of shoes do YOU own?

If you have a foot thing, then look away.  It's many photos of my foot.Today I read this stat:

63% of men own LESS than 11 pairs of shoes.

That I believe.

The other stat read this:

4 in 5 women own MORE than 11 pairs
2 in 5 women own MORE than 50 pairs

40% of women own more thasn 50 pairs of shoes.

Is that true?
I don't know about you, but as for me the answer is a resounding YES.

A couple years back, I counted. My number was over 115. This includes sneakers, boots, and sandals. And to stop feeling guilty about it, I placed a moratorium on myself from buying any new shoes, until I attempted to wear a different pair of shoes EVERY WEEKDAY without repeating.

I managed this for about 60 work days. It was winter, so I sorta ran outta time to wear the strappy shoes.

It was the toughest three months ever. Towards the end I gave up, and went on an online shopping jag. It was kind of a disgusting display of weaknesses. I bought three pairs in two minutes. Click, click, click. Confirm. Aaaahhhh....

So, HOW ABOUT IT?! How many pairs of shoes do YOU own?!

And be honest, there is truly no such thing as the Shoe Police. Because I'd know.

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