Tuesday, March 10

Open Reply #2 to the Spam People

So I just sent back this reply.... I hope they get back to me!!!!


From: Toni Ryan
Sent: Tue 3/10/2009 11:30 AM
To: Arlene Trillanes
Subject: RE: reply soon urgent while i speak with my brother about you!

Sure no problem!

Since you obviously didn't read my original email before sending this automated reply, just ignore the previous message I sent.

Since it sounds like you have a dire situation, please feel free to obtain all the personal information you need from me to faciliate your situation from a liasion I have in the Philippines.

His name is Attorney Michael Valenzuela*, Dean of Law at the University of Argao. If his name sounds familiar he is an incumbent government official and a former Member of Parliament, and I am certain he has many reputable contacts in Quezon City.

Toni Ryan
94.5 PST Middays


*Names changed here to protect the identity of people who don't know yet that I'm name-dropping and using their clout.


  1. i have replied to SPAM before, just to amuse myself, using the same "ebonics" that the Nigerian used in the SPAM. Usually, I send back an email saying that I'm in exactly the same situation and that the Nigerian needs to send ME money immediately.

    i never hear back. but apparently, some of our relatives do...


  2. this was so funny, i almost spit up all the spicy lemonade i've been drinking for the past too days...

    bra. vo.
