Just breezing through my queue and getting my money's worth (possibly more) out of my monthly financial contribution. Except I might have put an asterisk next to the phrase "money's worth", especially when talking about Fracture.
... I digress. So as I was saying, I got sucked into the mystery of the story, and well... hey, I guess that's the operative word: sucked. The movie sucked. The ending sucked, as did the the two alternate endings offered on the DVD. PEOPLE please. This isn't Clue: The Movie. Don't give me your alternate endings. It tells me you don't know what you're doing, and couldn't make up your mind either. You providing multiple endings pretty much tells me you're not very confident about your story.

Also saw Untraceable this past week, and guess what I discovered! (NOTE: SPOILER TO FOLLOW) C'mon! GUESS! Ok, fine I'll tell you. Turns out... the bad guy is traceable after all! I'm gonna give the title a D-, but the movie a solid B+. Good and thrilling, but I can't really put my finger on why it's not getting a better grade out of me. In fact, I don't know if a better grade would even be available for re-writes...
So there you go, Toni Ryan's School of Irrational Movie Opinions has handed out this week's report cards.
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