Tuesday, July 14

10 First Date Mistakes

According to Marie Claire, doing any of these 10 things could squash your chances of scoring that second date...so read carefully and avoid these no-no's at all costs!
by Cait and Kelsey the Interns

1) Arriving late

2) Wardrobe malfunction

3) Talking politics or religion

4) Checking out other people

5) Bringing friends (non-group date)

6) Getting too drunk

7) Being too aggressive

8) Being too unaggressive

9) Canceling at the last minute or standing someone up

10) Being the dominant speaker

Join me in the PST chatroom to share your own words of wisdoms, awkward moments, or first date disasters!


  1. What about being too shy?

    That could just rule out the first date level altogether...nevermind!

    But drinking too much is a big NO NO

  2. talking politics and religion.. ughhh definitely a big no no

  3. Not necessarily a "first date mistake" but rather, a tip for dating in general: once you're married, you're not supposed to ask other girls, especially high school seniors, out on a date. I tried to get that through to my ex-husband, but he didn't see a problem with it.
