Possible juror booted for Facebook post
Well that's a hoot.
So... let me get this straight. Honestly stating how you feel within a public forum is being discouraged by the judicial system? That's some pretzel logic right there.
If having a blog, Facebook profile, using Twitter, or (godforbid) talking on the air is threatening a person's right to serve on a jury, then maybe the system should suss those folks out and omit them from the process before even getting started.
And since having a blog, Facebook profile, using Twitter, or (godforbid) talking on the air are not punishable crimes, the system better not think for a second of pointing those things out like they're personal character flaws.
Nobody wants an little angry Filipino in their courtroom.
Yes. I didn't get out of Jury Duty.
But I think I am now totally looking forward to it.
(and yes, the commentary was originally posted on my Facebook wall. How's that for pretzel logic??)
Clearly you need to Twitter the trial. (I am still not sure on how you use the word 'Twitter')